
GSMComm message received 321 occurred

Recently I've encountered this error while developing a gsmcomm powered device up couple with 500 error. To know what these errors mea...

How to Deploy Mvc3 Powered Website to Iis

After developing a website powered by MVC3 the next thing is deploying it on server. Our assumption is that the server has dotnet3.5/4.0 ins...

How to Copy Form Values to Another Using Jquery

$("#SubmitButton").click(function () { $(':input[name]', "#searchForm").each(function () { $...

Understanding Linq Dynamic and or Statements

You usually need this on search form where you have to add a condition if a field is filled or not. This is how I do it: public static L...

Learn How to Share Folder in Windows Across the Network

It's funny that I can access my share from windows 7 but not from windows xp. I already done several things as suggested from the intern...

How to Fix Ora-12519 No Appropriate Service Handler Found

I often encountered this error after setting up a new machine with jboss/seam/oracle project installed. To resolve this: 1.) Open command...

How to Catch Closing Event of a Console Application in C#

On application closing we certainly always need to perform a clean up. But on the case of a c# console application there is no clear way to ...

How to Get the Date from Datetime in Mssql

This is how you will get the Date object from DateTime SELECT CONVERT(nvarchar(20), GETDATE(), 23) AS DateOnly For more MSSQL Convert Co...

How to Fix Red Hat on Windows Vmware Doesn't Have Internet Connection

Recently I've been trying to recall what I learned in college about linux :-D. So I tried setting up vmware again but for some reason RH...
